Our Mission




In our increasingly fractured society, 我们相信ACTA将在为加利福尼亚塑造一个积极的未来中发挥关键作用,在这个未来中,每种文化的独特价值都将得到尊重, sustained, 和 appreciated. Through our programs, services, 和 funding opportunities for the traditional arts, we are weaving a more integrated, 只是, 和 empathetic social fabric across California. ACTA成立于1997年,是一家501(c)3非营利性组织,24年来一直担任该协会的会员 California Arts Council’s 为国家民间和传统艺术领域服务的官方合作伙伴.

加州是世界领先的创意和文化之都. 四分之一的加州人认为自己是第一代移民, 我们州处于全国向种族和民族多元化转变的最前沿. 加州的家庭和社区有着丰富的文化传统. 从奥隆编织到日本古筝音乐,从瓦哈卡面具制作到 queer voguing competitions,我们认识到加州广泛的文化实践是 social belonging, power, 和 只是ice.



ACTA是一个致力于支持文化从业者及其社区的全州和全国领导者. We travel up 和 down California from our offices 在弗雷斯诺、洛杉矶和旧金山,覆盖了加州的每一个角落. We work in partnership with communities, learning from their own articulation of assets, 需要, 和愿望,以制定响应方案和服务. ACTA旨在成为文化社区之间的桥梁, providing opportunities for exchange, collaboration, 和 connection to new resources. 

Since our founding in 1997 by cultural workers, arts administrators, 和 artists, we have distributed more than $7 million in grants to more than 1,660 artists 和 organizations throughout 50 counties in the 状态. 

ACTA的惩戒艺术项目在加州18所监狱提供传统艺术工作坊, 比如这个由Abdullatif Bell Touncara在乔奇利亚山谷州立监狱领导的非洲击鼓工作坊, CA. Photo: Peter Merts.

作为ACTA 2018 - 2019传统艺术圆桌会议系列(TARS)的一部分,Urasenke Chado学校的学生在洛杉矶领导抹茶冲泡工作坊. Photo: Timo Saarelma/ACTA.

索马里妇女在圣地亚哥的布兰布尔庆祝活动上展示手工艺品, or women’s oral poetry, supported by ACTA's Living Cultures grant. Photo: Lily Kharrazi/ACTA.

ACTA庆祝两位加州艺术家获得华盛顿NEA颁发的2018年国家遗产奖学金.C. From left to right: ACTA Board President Daniel Sheehy, master quilter Marion Coleman, master altarista Ofelia Esparza, 和 ACTA Executive Director Amy Kitchener. Photo: Julián Carrillo/ACTA.

作为ACTA学徒计划的一部分,13岁的Sruti Sarathy(右)与音乐家大师Anuradha Sridhar(左)一起训练卡纳蒂克小提琴. Photo: Sherwood Chen/ACTA.

An Afro-Colombian drumming class at 首页boy Industries, 这是ACTA 2019年通过艺术重返社会试点项目的一部分,该项目为最近被监禁的人群提供服务. Photo: Shweta Saraswat/ACTA.

艺术大师Natividad González Morales在东科切拉山谷分享barro(粘土)雕刻技术,这是ACTA建设健康社区计划的一部分. Photo: Quetzal Flores/ACTA.

一位来自Au Co越南文化中心的年轻艺术家正在为ACTA在Bayview举办的加利福尼亚之声音乐会做准备, CA. Photo: Sonia Narang/ACTA.

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We believe traditional artists make resilient communities.

我们的合作艺术家是他们社区的传统承担者, contributing what they believe, 知道, do, 和 create with others who share a common heritage, language, religion, occupation, or region. 这些表达反映了一个社区对美的共同标准, values, life experiences, 和 collective wisdom. 我们认为,正是通过这些集体传统,从业人员可以动员起来,并成为促进 transformativerestorative value of arts in society.

ACTA ANNUAL REPORT 2019_final cover only

ACTA Annual Report: 2018 - 2019




Our Funders

20多年来,许多慷慨之手支持了我们的发展. 在这里, 我们很荣幸地向资助我们工作的机构合作伙伴表示敬意, whether it be this year or a past year.

18th Street Art Center
American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
ArtPlace America
Artivist Entertainment
Barr Foundation
California Arts Council
California Community Foundation
The California Endowment
California Humanities
Center for Cultural Innovation
Center for Ecoliteracy
Central California Community Foundation
City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs
Columbia Foundation
East Bay Community Foundation
Fund for Folk Culture
Fresno Arts Council
Walter & Elise Haas Fund
Hellman Foundation
The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
Humboldt Area Foundation
The James Irvine Foundation
The Lia Fund
Los Angeles County Department of Arts 和 Culture
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
Markusen Economic Research Services
The Metabolic Studio, a direct charitable activity of the Annenberg Foundation
MiaBo Foundation
Montana Folklife Festival
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
Radio Bilingüe
Reis Foundation
Runyon Saltzman, Inc.
San Francisco Arts Commission
San Francisco Grants for the Arts
The San Francisco Foundation
Smithsonian Center for Cultural Heritage
Southwest Folklife Alliance
The Patricia D. & William B. Smullin Foundation
Southwest Folklife Alliance
Surdna Foundation
Taproot Foundation
University of California, Davis
The William James Association
Weingart East Los Angeles YMCA

2018年12月1日在JACCC举行的TARS LA活动照片,由Timo Saarelma拍摄.

ACTA's Work

了解ACTA的核心项目,这些项目为加州的艺术家和组织提供资金和支持, 以及我们的咨询和合作机会,为当地的传统艺术领域服务, 状态, 和 national level.

Invest in California’s cultural wealth.



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